Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Arise, O Lord, Our God, Arise

Words: The Psalter, 1912.

Music: Herr Je­su Christ (Bach), Pen­sum Sac­rum, 1648; ar­ranged by Jo­hann S. Bach (1685-1750) (MI­DI, score).

Arise, O Lord, our God, arise
And enter now into Thy rest;
O let this house be Thine abode,
Forever with Thy presence blest.

Thy gracious cov’nant, Lord, fulfill,
Turn not away from us Thy face;
Establish Thou Messiah’s throne
And let Him reign within this place.

Thy Zion Thou hast chosen, Lord,
And Thou hast said, I love her well,
This is My constant resting place,

And here will I delight to dwell.

I will abundantly provide
For Zion’s good, the Lord hath said;
I will supply her daily need
And satisfy her poor with bread.

This hymn does not have anything about how it came to be but this is the hymn God laid on my heart.

My heart is heavy over the jubilation of fellow Christians over the death Bin Laden. Yes, he was an awful man but Christ told us that we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God. He told the Pharisees for them whoever is without sin to cast the first stone ( at the adulteress). God does not see sin in degrees.....all sin is equal in His eyes. A liar is no better than a murder. So, please, be careful and guard your heart and mind from the enemy.

Dear Sweet Daddy,

Your love brings me such joy and comfort. I praise in the sun and in the storms. You bless me far beyond what my limited mind can comprehend. I thank you for Your Son and what You did thru Him.

I ask that you bring people and opportunities for us to serve You and to tell all we meet about Your Gift of life thru Jesus. Give us the boldness to step out of our comfort zone and to proclaim the Good News from the mountain tops.

I ask that You continue to move in my life and all that adore You so we may bring Glory to the Kingdom and a smile to Your face.

With all my heart and love.

Your adoring daughter,

If you would like to have a relationship with God but have questions contact me at the email address on the left.

Prayer Opportunities

Let's pray! Post your request below. Acknowledge you're praying for others by: 1)typing a quick prayer 2) comment that you'll pray for the person 3) hit the like button. Make sure you hit the share button on this post to involve your friends! Post all prayer requests under this comment thread so they go out to everyone.

Meet Joe and I at gate 21A this SATURDAY, MAY 7 to surround the stadium in prayer! We hope to have 1000+ people hand in hand crying out to our Savior!! RAIN DOWN HOLY SPIRIT! GAMETIMETN.com for more info.

Wall Photos
‎It's Game Time in Tennessee! Join us on May 14th on the UT Campus and see God m...ove! Day time Sports Camps/Cheer Camps (must preregister now at info@gametimetn.com) & childrens zone Noon-5pm... evening worship with Israel Houghton and more at 5:45pm! If you would like to be a Evangelism Volunteer or Counselor please call 865-966-1153 (training is April 28th - 30th)... If you would like to Volunteer in general please call 865-329-6847 (meetings are May 3rd or May 5th)... spread the word and invite the friends you know you should to come to Game Time in East TN Saturday May 14th!See More
By: Marisa Lykins..

Pray for your Pastor and leaders of your church.
Pray for the tornado victims
Pray for the flood victims
Pray for the brush fire victims

Follow God's lead where He would have you pray.

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