Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shall We Gather at the River

Hymn of the day:

Words & Music: Robert Lowry, 1864; first published in Happy Voices, 1865, number 220 (MIDI, score):

One afternoon in July, 1864, when I was pastor at Hanson Place Baptist Church, Brooklyn, the weather was oppressively hot, and I was lying on a lounge in a state of physical exhaustion…My imagination began to take itself wings. Visions of the future passed before me with startling vividness. The imagery of the apocalypse took the form of a tableau. Brightest of all were the throne, the heavenly river, and the gathering of the saints…I began to wonder why the hymn writers had said so much about the “river of death” and so little about the “pure water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb.” As I mused, the words began to construct themselves. They came first as a question of Christian inquiry, “Shall we gather?” Then they broke in chorus, “Yes, we’ll gather.” On this question and answer the hymn developed itself. The music came with the hymn.

Part of this hymn was sung in the Academy Award winning movie, Trip to Bountiful
(1985). It was also sung at the funeral of American Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.

Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright angel feet have trod,
With its crystal tide forever
Flowing by the throne of God?


Yes, we’ll gather at the river,
The beautiful, the beautiful river;
Gather with the saints at the river
That flows by the throne of God.

On the margin of the river,
Washing up its silver spray,
We will talk and worship ever,
All the happy golden day.


Ere we reach the shining river,
Lay we every burden down;
Grace our spirits will deliver,
And provide a robe and crown.


At the smiling of the river,
Mirror of the Savior’s face,
Saints, whom death will never sever,
Lift their songs of saving grace.


Soon we’ll reach the silver river,
Soon our pilgrimage will cease;
Soon our happy hearts will quiver
With the melody of peace.


I can't wait for the day that I meet my Savior in paradise. To spend eternity with God....WOW! Hard to wrap my head around how awesome that is going to be.

Do you know the one true God? Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? If you have questions about your salvation or wish to accept Christ email me with them.

Sweet Jesus,

We dance in the rain under the umbrella of Your love. We sing praises to You and lay prostrate before You. We humbly seek Your face in all we do.

Go with us and help us to keep our eyes You. Guide us and provide us opportunities to spread the "Good News". May we be Your hands and feet in this fallen world.

Forgive us of our sins and we gladly accept Your Sweet Grace.

In Your Son's Name,


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Onward Christian Soldiers

Baring-Gould wrote about this hymn:

Whit-Monday is a great day for school festivals in Yorkshire. One Whit-Monday, thirty years ago, it was arranged that our school should join forces with that of a neighboring village. I wanted the children to sing when marching from one village to another, but couldn’t think of anything quite suitable; so I sat up at night, resolved that I would write something myself. “Onward, Christian Soldiers” was the result. It was written in great haste, and I am afraid some of the rhymes are faulty. Certainly nothing has surprised me more than its popularity. I don’t remember how it got printed first, but I know that very soon it found its way into several collections. I have written a few other hymns since then, but only two or three have become at all well-known.

This hymn was sung at the funeral of American president Dwight Eisenhower at the National Cathedral, Washington, DC, March 1969.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.


Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.


What the saints established that I hold for true.
What the saints believèd, that I believe too.
Long as earth endureth, men the faith will hold,
Kingdoms, nations, empires, in destruction rolled.


Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
But the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
We have Christ’s own promise, and that cannot fail.


Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud and honor unto Christ the King.
This through countless ages men and angels sing.


I have heard this song most of my life but never really listened to the words, until
now. Read them and then reread them. I find this hymn very inspirational.

As Christians we are to ban together doing the work God has laid out for us. We are fighting a war...a war against Satan and his demons. We are to stand on God's promises.

Would you like to join God's army? If so, please, email me and we can discuss any questions you may have.

Sweet Prince of Light,

Lead the march we have undertaken in Your name. Give us strength to fight the good fight. Give us the words to tell others about You. Bring us the multitudes so that we may be light and serve them as You did.

Bless us, guide us, and love us in all our inequities.

Love You bunches,


Friday, November 26, 2010

Greater is He

Hymn of the day:

I took the challenge when I said that I would stand
I knew it wouldn't be an easy thing cause it messed up Satan's plan
God gives me daily strength to stand in victory
Though the powers of Hell may come my way
Greater is He in me

Greater, Greater, Greater is He in me.
I'm singing, I'm shouting, I'm happy and I'm free.
I'm a soldier in an army that never has known defeat.
Greater, Greater, Greater is He in me.

Verse II:
For so long I wondered in this cold, cruel world alone.
Heartbreak and much failure was just about all I'd ever known.
Then I met God's only Son who listened to my plea.
Now life has a brand new chapter,
Greater is He in me.

Yesterday I took a virtual tour of the Tabernacle and the Holy Spirit stirred me...what people had to do to be in the presence of God before Christ. Now with the death and resurrection God is in Me. So I must be sure what music I listen to, movies I watch, books I read, words I speak or think, are worthy of God.

Don't take it lightly that the one High God resides in you...so you can never be separated from Him...He is a part of you. Do you find this as comforting as I do?
Would you like to? If you have questions about salvation, please, email me.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for taken up residence in this pitiful shell. You love me and find me worthy when I am not. You sent Your son to live and die for us.

We lift up all those sick, alone, scared, or lost to You. We ask that You lay Your loving hands on each and may they feel Your presence in a powerful way.

Go with us through this holiday season keeping the reason for the celebration upper most in our minds.

Bless us and protect us,


Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Will Enter His Gates

Scripture Verses of Thanksgiving in the Old Testament
1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:35
Cry out, "Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise."

1 Chronicles 29:13
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.

Daniel 2:23
"I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king."

Jonah 2:9
But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the LORD."

Thanksgiving Verses in the Book of Psalm
Psalms of Thanksgiving (NIV)
Psalm 7:17
I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

Psalm 30:12
that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.

Psalm 35:18
I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise you.

Psalm 75:1
We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 95:2
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

Psalm 100:4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 118:19
Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the LORD.

Psalm 118:21
I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.

Keep A Gratitude Journal
A Personal Log of Thanksgivings

One way to deepen your relationship with God, and give yourself a happier life, is to keep a journal of all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for. Taking the time to write down your blessings is a great way to show yourself the reasons to be happy, and it gives you something to look back on in times of sadness or weariness so that you may see that even when you feel lonely, God is with you.

Songs of Thanksgiving
For The Fruits of This Creation

I Will Enter His Gates
Let All Things Now Living
My Gratitude Now Accept, O God
We Gather Together
We Thank You, Lord
more songs of thanksgiving...

Enter His Gates Lyrics

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and enter His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him for He's worthy

and bless His holy name.

When I come in the house of the Lord,
I will serve Him with gladness
for He's done so much for me.
I get excited every time I praise Your name,
when I think of how He set me free.

I just can't stop clapping my hands.
I just can't stop stomping my feet.
I just can't stop shouting Your name,
praising the Lord, Lord.


I can't stop it,
I can't stop it,
I can't stop it,
praising the Lord.

Clapping my hands,
stomping my feet,
I just can't stop praising the Lord.

When I think about what He's done for me,
I just can't stop praising the Lord.


Just a little help for those of you struggling with being thankful.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How Great Thou Art

Hymn of the day:

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed!

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
When thru the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
And when I think that God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin!

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Boberg wrote the poem "O Store Gud" (O Great God) in 1885 with nine verses.[4][5]

[edit] Inspiration
The inspiration for the poem came when Boberg was walking home from church near Kronobäck, Sweden, and listening to church bells. A sudden awe-inspiring storm gripped Boberg’s attention, and then just as suddenly as it had made its violent entrance, it subsided to a peaceful calm which Boberg observed over Mönsterås Bay.[6] According to J. Irving Erickson:

Carl Boberg and some friends were returning home to Mönsterås from Kronobäck, where they had participated in an afternoon service. Nature was at its peak that radiant afternoon. Presently a thundercloud appeared on the horizon, and soon sharp lightning flashed across the sky. Strong winds swept over the meadows and billowing fields of grain. The thunder pealed in loud claps. Then rain came in cool fresh showers. In a little while the storm was over, and a rainbow appeared.

When Boberg arrived home, he opened the window and saw the bay of Mönsterås like a mirror before him… From the woods on the other side of the bay, he heard the song of a thrush…the church bells were tolling in the quiet evening. It was this series of sights, sounds, and experiences that inspired the writing of the song.[7]

According to Boberg's great-nephew, Bud Boberg, "My dad's story of its origin was that it was a paraphrase of Psalm 8 and was used in the 'underground church' in Sweden in the late 1800s when the Baptists and Mission Friends were persecuted."[8] The author, Carl Boberg himself gave the following information about the inspiration behind his poem:

"It was that time of year when everything seemed to be in its richest colouring; the birds were singing in trees and everywhere. It was very warm; a thunderstorm appeared on the horizon and soon thunder and lightning. We had to hurry to shelter. But the storm was soon over and the clear sky appeared.

"When I came home I opened my window toward the sea. There evidently had been a funeral and the bells were playing the tune of 'When eternity's clock calling my saved soul to its Sabbath rest.' That evening, I wrote the song, 'O Store Gud.'"[9]

The God we serve is indeed great. I find it comforting that other religions claim to worship the same God but their God can not do what the one true God can do. God can do anything! Jesus healed the blind, lame, ill, but the most amazing He raised the dead..not the just died dead but a man who had been dead for days and entombed for at least 3 days. Do you know God? Would you like to? Email me and I can answer questions you might have.

Tonight is Thanksgiving eve and food for dinner tomorrow have been bought and the game plan set. Praying for all that have no family or friends to spend the day, eat with, or to share what they are thankful for. Please, take time tomorrow and give thanks to God for all that He provides.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We lift up praise and thanksgiving to You. Lord, I ask that You be with all those who are lost or alone...please, place Your servants in their paths. May they see Your light through them.

God, I ask that You lay Your healing hands on those who need Your touch. Give all those traveling Your mercy and keep them safe. Bless each family and show us all Your sweet grace.

May we have sweet slumber as we rest in You.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Down In My Heart

Hymn of the day:

"Down In My Heart," sometimes titled "I've Got the Joy" is a popular Christian song often sung around the campfire and during scouting events. It is often included in Gospel music and A cappella concerts and songbooks. The song was written by George Willis Cooke [23 April 1848-30 April 1923]. The date of authorship is as yet unknown. Cooke was born in Comstock, Michigan. He was a Unitarian minister, writer, and editor and is well known for his landmark history of the Unitarian movement in the 19th century. Though largely self-taught, he studied at Meadeville Theological School in 1872. He was ordained in June of that year, not having obtained a degree from the school. He served the parish ministry for 28 years, while writing and editing. He left the ministry in 1900 to pursue scholarship and lecturing. He authored more than 20 books on a wide range of subjects.

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart to stay
And I'm so happy
So very happy
I've got the love of Jesus in my heart (down in my heart)
And I'm so happy
So very happy
I've got the love of Jesus in my heart
Subsequent lyrics include:

I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart...
I've got the happy hope that heckles heathens down in my heart...
I've got the far out faith that freaks out farmers down in my heart...
I've got the glorious hope of my Blessed Redeemer way down in the depths of my heart...
I've got the mighty Messiah that manifests miracles down in the depths of my heart...
I've got the Bible Beliefs that baffle the Buddhist way down in the depths of my heart...
Well, if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack...
I've Got the Love Of Jesus Christ My Savior down in my heart...
I've got the wonderful Love of my Blessed Redeemer way down in the depths of my heart (where)...
I've got the brightest light in the depths of my heart...

Very simplistic but it would serve us all to keep this song on "standby" daily. It is hard to be grumpy when you are singing about having joy. Try it. You will be amazed at how it changes your attitude.

I am so thankful God has given me a spirit of thankfulness. I can lift up praise and thanksgiving even during the most difficult of times. It has nothing to do with me but it is all Him. He reminds me everyday and when needed every minute of all He has done for me.

He took a sexually abused girl and held her close. He told her how special she was to Him and that no matter what happened in the world He was in control. I believed Him and still do. There has been a lot of "valleys" in my life but He was always there. Do you trust Him? If you would like to have this security then email me and I can answer your questions.

Hi Daddy,

My day has been long but You brighten it with Your love. I run to You and recline in Your presence. I rest in You.

Thank you for my brother, Jesus, how You love us. You do give me Joy..down in my heart. I pray this for everyone.

Daddy, I lift up all those who are sick and in need of Your healing touch; I lift up those who are afraid or "down trodden" and in need of Your comfort; I lift up the alone and lonely

Monday, November 22, 2010

Amazing Grace

Hymn of the day:

Although there are different versions to this beautiful hymn, these words to Amazing Grace are what we have found to be most common. In recent times, Amazing Grace seems to be a song which many of us can relate to as the United States, and the world, go through great changes. Although I have been online with this site for a few years, I am now pledging this page to the loss of those who have gone on before us, as well as to all of the families whose lives have been stricken from their losses. In addition, this page, along with this wonderful CD offer below, is extended to those who have simply lost a love one during lifes' journey or for those who are simply walking the good red road.

Perhaps from these words and the healing medicine of music we are featuring below, this song will offer you some kind of some kind of inspirational comfort when reflecting back on memories, or dealing with current times while simply getting through life on lifes' own terms. I know it does for me. It appears the words to Amazing Grace and its' melody are very powerful in many ways...and its power heavily touches so many of us around the globe today.

NAMA Nominated Recording Artist and Flutist, Charles Littleleaf, delivers an emotionally compelling performance of Amazing Grace on his Award Winning CD release, "Ancient Reflections". Littleleaf's world-renown song is by far one of the most moving renditions of Amazing Grace ever to touch your heart. Don't miss it in it's entirety.

Amazing Grace

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

I pray for the amazing grace of God to be a reality for you. God's grace flows and covers us. We do not deserve all that He gives and does for us but He loves us enough to forgive us all the sins we have or ever will commit. Can you imagine giving your child so that a thankless lot can have the chance to love forever with the most High God. I look at my son and am totally blown away by the depths of God's
love. I really would struggle with sacrificing my son...how about you?
If you would like to know a love like this...all you have to do is ask. If you would like to accept Christ as your savior email me and I can answer your questions.


Thank you for Your grace and unconditional love. Being Your daughter has brought me such joy and I pray this joy for all. God, please, let us be Your hands and feet. Show us how we may be light to others and to share Your grace.

Lord, help us to keep a heart of thanksgiving throughout the year. We lift the sick, lonely, orphaned, widowed, and those in dispare, to You. We ask that You lay Your hands on us and let us feel Your love and healing touch.

Go with us tomorrow and keep us safe.

In Your Son's Name,


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hymn of the day:
Just a Closer Walk With Thee
Words: Unknown author.

Music: Closer Walk, traditional folk song (MIDI, score).

I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.


Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.


When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.


Wow! Amazing this is what we should all strive for...a closer walk with our Father...if we do that then everything else will fall into place.

Today I did not go to church but spent the time with two of my most favorite families. I babysat for one family, while the parents did some charity work, and had dinner with the other. Sweet time but a blessing from God. He has brought me many who may not be related biologically (as the world sees it) but our brother, Jesus Christ, binds us together stronger than our blood. The children of several families are like my own grandchildren and I love these families deeply and it is through God that I have this and that is what I am thankful for today and everyday.

If you would like to be a member of God's family all you have to do is ask God. If you want to accept Christ as your savior just email me and I will answer your questions.

Dear Lord,

What an awesome God you are. You brought me children and grandchildren that my heart has always desired and the blessings flow both ways...only You can orchestrate such a union. You provide for all my needs and many of my wants. I pray that many will take an opportunity to get to know You and feel Your love as I have.

Walk with us this week and point out all that we have to be thankful for everyday. As we sit with our families and friends this Thanksgiving may we lift of prayers of Thanksgiving for all those who are fighting for our protection and freedom. God we lift all the families of those who are far away fighting and ask that You touch their hearts and make the separation tolerable.

Thank you Sweet Prince!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lord, I'm Amazed By You

Hymn of the day:

You dance over me
While I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound

Lord I'm amazed by You
Lord I'm amazed by You
Lord I'm amazed by You
How You love me

How wide
How deep
How great
Is Your love for me

How wide, O how wide Lord
How deep, O how deep Lord
How great, O how great
Is Your love for me

Lord I'm amazed, amazed by You
Lord I'm amazed, amazed by You
Lord I'm amazed, amazed by You
How You love me

Although not a hymn in the the traditional since, this song blows me away. Everytime I hear of sing this song my heart swells to over flowing...my cup runneth over.

I apologize for missing a few days but my computer needed a healing.

I have spent a few days with a stomach virus ans during that time I had some precious time with my Daddy in heaven. I like to think He orchastrates these times so that He can spend some quality time with me. As some of you might have quessed, I have a very vivid imagination but this only serves to draw me closer to Him.

I know God enjoys us, delights in us, and sometimes even disappointed in us but He is never amazed by us. Have you ever thought about that? Nothing we can do, say, or even think can surprise or amaze Him. We, on the other hand, should be amazed by Him. We should be amazed at His grace, His creation, and most of all His Love. When there is no one else that you feel loves you....He does. No matter what we think we have done that has caused us not to be loved...He does. The greatest thing is that when you let Him love you it will be clear that there are many who love you, too.
Do you know His Love? If you would like to just email me and I can answer any questions you may have.

I am adding a famous piece of artwork that shows Daniel in the Lions' Den. Look carefully at the lions faces and Daniel's humble stance. He had complete faith in God.

Dear Sweet Heavenly Father,

Go with us tomorrow as we attend our various church services tomorrow. Lord, fill our hearts with You. Bless our time in worship and fellowship. Watch over us as we go thru our week, may we be Your hands and feet.

We are amazed by You and may we always be. It delights my heart to think of You singing and dancing over me. Please, let all who read this feel that amazement.

In Your Son's Name,


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Because He Lives

Hymn of the day:

Because He Lives

God sent His son, they called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal, and forgive.
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

And then one day I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain.
And then as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone!
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives!

~ William and Gloria Gaither ~


Today, millions of Americans and people around the world are coming to love southern gospel music, and a big reason is the popularity of the Bill and Gloria Gaither Homecoming concerts and videos. For more than 40 years, the Gaithers have been writing and performing Christian songs. "He Touched Me," "There's Something About That Name," and some 600 others are featured in many church hymnals. But "Because He Lives" is perhaps the best known.

In the late 1960s, while expecting their third child, the Gaithers were going through a traumatic time. Their firstborn, Suzanne, was 4, and her sister Amy was three months old. The timing for another baby wasn't ideal. On top of that, Bill was recovering from a bout with mononucleosis.

The breakup of the marriage of Bill's sister, Mary Ann, had left his family devastated. What's more, a close friend's accusation that Bill and Gloria were using their ministry just to make a buck blindsided the couple and plunged Bill into a deep depression.

Gloria also remembers it as a time of fear and sadness. The educational system was being infiltrated with the "God is dead" idea, while drug abuse and racial tension were increasing. The thought of bringing another child into the world was taking its toll.

But after a simple prayer by one of Bill's close friends—a prayer that commanded the devil to back off—both Bill and Gloria recall that the strength of the Holy Spirit seemed to come to their aid. Christ's resurrection, in all its power, was reaffirmed in their hearts. They were assured that the future, left in God's hands, would be just fine.

In July 1970 a healthy baby, Benjamin, was born. Inspired by the miracle of their son's birth, "Because He Lives" poured out of the Gaithers' grateful hearts. The song clearly affirms the hope believers have in Christ. We can face tomorrow, with all its uncertainty, as we realize that God holds the future and makes life worth living.

This song is so powerful, although it is young, in comparison to most well known hymns, it says it all.

How many of us fear tomorrow, the unknown? One of my favorite quotes addresses this "Don't fear tomorrow because God is already there". This song goes a little deeper into the reason we should not fear... there are numerous bible verses that address this but will leave that for another time.
My response to a feeling of fear is prayer. I know if I go to God with my fear He will give me the courage to face that fear.

Components of Prayer: requests, thanksgiving, praise, worship, and confession.

Most of us are familiar with prayers of requests and we have heard of prayers of confession but the other three are just as a part of a Christian's prayer life.

Praise, like David, we should keep praise for God on our lips (Psalms 35:11). Our praise should be honest and from the heart (Psalms 103:1-5, 20-22), and continue to offer up praise (Hebrews 13:15). Songs of a spiritual nature are another way of offering up prayers of praise. I told you before that prayer is not just an Christian act, often thought of done on the knees) but more of an attitude. We need to stay in an attitude of prayer all day, giving up prayers of all kinds. Try to find ways to connect with God in praise.

Do you know God? Would you like to? All you have to do is ask Him. If you would like to know how just email me at the address on the left.

Dear Gracious and Benevolent God,

We offer up praise and thanksgiving to You. You sent Your Son to live among us, teach us, and to die for us. We humbly offer You our thanks. We thank You for all You do for us. from the food on our tables, the clothes on our backs, our family and friends, and the opportunity to worship You.
Thank you for the life you have given me. You are the one True God and with that You brought me to You so I may worship and live with You for all eternity.

We praise Your name for all creation, for the knowledge we have of You, and the chance to honor You through our lives.

Go with us and help us keep and attitude of prayer. Our hearts full of praise and thanksgiving.

In Your Son's Name.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Hymn of the day: "What a Friend We Have In Jesus"

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there.

Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.

Words: Joseph M. Scriven, 1855. Scriven wrote this hymn to comfort his mother, who was across the sea from him in Ireland. It was originally published anonymously, and Scriven did not receive full credit for almost 30 years.

Music: Erie, Charles C. Converse, 1868 (MIDI, score). In World War I, the tune was paired with the words to “When This Bloody War is Over.” Alternate tunes:

Jesus is the friend we can go to at anytime and He will never reject or turn from us. He accepts us with all our faults, habits and hangups. He wants to carry our load, hold us close, and spend eternity with us. If we only will accept Him as our Lord and Savior. If you want to take this step and have questions feel free to email me at the address on the left.

I daily am amazed at the depth of His love. He has never let me down even though I have often not been all that He has asked me to be. I look around and see all the blessing I have and feel the love of a God so sweet that I can't help but fall on my knees in worship of Him.

Prayer and worship, both pleasing to God, are the means to which we fellowship with Him. He created us to fellowship with Him, to worship Him, and to honor Him in all we do. I can not imagine not being able to run to Him in good times and bad, to crawl up in His lap for comfort, to have Him lift me high in the air because I bring Him joy. Did you know He finds joy in us? He does, just watching us carry out His works, hearing us worship Him, listening to our prayers all bring Him joy.

God in Heaven,

You are the most magnificent God. You came to earth so that we would no longer be separated from You by sin. You delight in us, just as an earthly parent delights in their children. I am amazed by You. I love You heart and soul.

Go with us, as we go about our lives, keep us safe, bless us, and guide us in all we do. Lord, we ask that You show us ways we can delight You and bring You joy.

Forgive us for our sins and help us to turn away from sin and run to You for Your strength.

I love you! Kisses and hugs.



I had more but my little dog, Tinkerbell, is asleep on the books I was going to use. So will catch up on the rest tomorrow.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today's Hymn:

Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
That calls me from a world of care,
And bids me at my Father’s throne
Make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
My soul has often found relief
And oft escaped the tempter’s snare
By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
The joys I feel, the bliss I share,
Of those whose anxious spirits burn
With strong desires for thy return!
With such I hasten to the place
Where God my Savior shows His face,
And gladly take my station there,
And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!

Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
Thy wings shall my petition bear
To Him whose truth and faithfulness
Engage the waiting soul to bless.
And since He bids me seek His face,
Believe His Word and trust His grace,
I’ll cast on Him my every care,
And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!

Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
May I thy consolation share,
Till, from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height,
I view my home and take my flight:
This robe of flesh I’ll drop and rise
To seize the everlasting prize;
And shout, while passing through the air,
“Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer!”

Words: Will­iam Wal­ford, 1845; ap­peared in The New York Ob­ser­ver, Sep­tem­ber 13, 1845, ac­com­pa­nied by the fol­low­ing, writ­ten by Thom­as Sal­mon:

During my re­si­dence at Coles­hill, War­wick­shire, Eng­land, I be­came ac­quaint­ed with W. W. Wal­ford, the blind preach­er, a man of ob­scure birth and con­nect­ions and no ed­u­ca­tion, but of strong mind and most re­ten­tive mem­o­ry. In the pul­pit he ne­ver failed to se­lect a less­on well adapt­ed to his sub­ject, giv­ing chap­ter and verse with un­err­ing pre­ci­sion and scarce­ly ev­er mis­plac­ing a word in his re­pe­ti­tion of the Psalms, ev­ery part of the New Tes­ta­ment, the pro­phe­cies, and some of the his­to­ries, so as to have the rep­u­ta­tion of “know­ing the whole Bi­ble by heart.” He ac­tu­al­ly sat in the chim­ney cor­ner, em­ploy­ing his mind in com­pos­ing a ser­mon or two for Sab­bath de­liv­ery, and his hands in cut­ting, shap­ing and po­lish­ing bones for shoe horns and other lit­tle use­ful im­ple­ments. At in­ter­vals he at­tempt­ed po­e­try. On one oc­ca­sion, pay­ing him a vi­sit, he re­peat­ed two or three piec­es which he had co­mposed, and hav­ing no friend at home to commit them to paper, he had laid them up in the store­house within. “How will this do?” asked he, as he re­peat­ed the fol­low­ing lines, with a com­pla­cent smile touched with some light lines of fear lest he sub­ject him­self to cri­ti­cism. I ra­pid­ly co­pied the lines with my pen­cil, as he ut­tered them, and sent them for in­ser­tion in the Ob­serv­er, if you should think them worthy of pre­ser­va­tion.

Music: Sweet Hour, Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, Gold­en Chain (New York: 1861) (MI­DI, score).

No sweeter time do I spend than with my Lord. I am amazed by Him daily, hourly, and even by the minute. To love me enough to give His son so that He might spend eternity with me...with you, just amazes me. I praise His name for all the things He has done for me and yes, even the rough times. It is through the rough times my relationship with God grows in deepth and breadth. I can not imagine where I would be today without Him. Does a love so great interest you? It is yours for the asking. Ask Jesus into your heart, let Him know how sorry you are for living in sin. Offer Him your life and in return He will give you eternity. If you have questions, feel free to email me at the address to the left. If you have a prayer request, please, post it so I may lift you up in prayer.

Today's thankful challenge: I am thankful for the gifts God has given me and the opportunity to use them for His glory.

Prayer requires discipline at first, but as God becomes your BFF then you will find yourself talking Him all through the day. No, prayer does not require you to be on your knees. There will be times that you will feel led to kneel but I talk to God, in the car, at work, and even in the shower.

The spiritual discipline of a prayer journal is something I suggest because you can look back and see how God has responded to your prayers. You will notice that He may not answer the prayers as you had asked but it is always to your best benefit and to His glory. Try this and see God at work.

Sweet Jesus,

I am amazed by You. I ask that you be with all those who view this blog. Lord, I lift up their prayer needs. I ask for the healings needed, the comfort requested, the blessing sought, and the love longed for.

God, I pray for all, the Love I have found in and through You. Your smiling face is in my mind daily, Your gentle touch is felt each minute of the day, Your voice is heard everywhere I go. Thank you for Your presence in my life.

I pray for those seeking Your face that You will place Your soldiers in their path, clearing the way for them to come to You.

In Your Son's Name,


Friday, November 12, 2010

Today's hymn:

Just As I Am

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Words: Charlotte Elliott, 1835; first appeared in The Christian Remembrancer, whose editor Elliott became in 1836. The last verse is from Elliott’s Hours of Sorrow Cheered and Comforted, 1836.

Music: Woodworth, William B. Bradbury, Mendelssohn Collection, or Third Book of Psalmody (New York: 1849) (MI?DI, score). Al?ter?nate tunes:

Miss Charlotte Elliott was visiting some friends in the West End of London, and there met the eminent minister, César Malan. While seated at supper, the minister said he hoped that she was a Christian. She took offense at this, and replied that she would rather not discuss that question. Dr. Malan said that he was sorry if had offended her, that he always liked to speak a word for his Master, and that he hoped that the young lady would some day become a worker for Christ. When they met again at the home of a mutual friend, three weeks later, Miss Elliott told the minister that ever since he had spoken to her she had been trying to find her Saviour, and that she now wished him to tell her how to come to Christ. “Just come to him as you are,” Dr. Malan said. This she did, and went away rejoicing. Shortly afterward she wrote this hymn.

A sweet and simple explanation of how to come to Christ. If you would like to receive Christ as your Lord and Savior just ask Him. Feel free to email me if you have questions on how to do this.

As a Christian it is important that we spend time with God. We must grow in our relationship with Him. As in any relationship, in order for it to become strong and flourish, you must invest time in it. Communication (prayer) is the key. Walk with Him and talk with Him. Listen for His voice. Train yourself to know His voice, His presence, and His will.

Today's thankful challenge: I am thankful that I have jobs that allow me to provide for my family and to witness to others.


We run to You and throw our arms around Your neck. Hold us close and let us feel Your presence. Speak to us so we know Your voice. Inspire us to read Your word so we may know Your will.

Thank you for always being there in good times and bad. I am never alone even when I stand in the woods and no other person is present..You are always near.

Guide us as we walk with You and let us be Your light in this dark world. May we speak Your words and live them so we will be a living testimony for You.

Good night, Daddy..give us rest. May we sleep in Your arms.

In Your son's name,
The hymn of the day:

I heard the voice of Jesus say
"come on to me and rest"
Lay down thy weary,
weary one lay down,
lay thy head upon my breast.

I went to Jesus as I was,
I was weary, worn and sad
I found in Him a resting place
and He has made me glad.

Take my yoke upon you
and learn about me,
for my yoke is easy
and my burdens are light
and my burdens are light

I heard the voice of Jesus say
"behold I freely give"
oh, the living waters, oh thirsty one,
stoop down and drink and live.

I heard the voice of Jesus say
"come on to me and rest"
You've got to Lay down thy weary,
weary one lay down,
lay thy head upon my breast.

I went to Jesus as I was,
You know I was weary, worn and sad
I found in Him, yes I found in him a resting place
oh, you know He's made... me glad.

I heard the voice, yes of Jesus say
"behold I freely give"
oh, the living waters, oh thirsty one,
stoop down and drink and live.

Oh I wonder, I wonder you could ever hear me?
I keep on calling, you've got to hear me
Oh, I'm pleading, everybody hear my plead
Oh, Jesus, hear my name, Oh Jesus
I said: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"
I'm pleading, I'm pleading
you've got to hear me, yeah
you've got to hear me calling
I'm calling "Jesus", I keep calling
I said Yeah..., Jesus
I've just to keep on calling,
calling your name, I just call , I just call...
Yeah Yeah, You've got to hear me, hear me
hear me, hear me calling, yes I did,
you've got to hear me
I said Yeah..., Jesus Ahh...

You've got to hear me, Jesus
I keep calling, calling your name
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus,
I'm calling, calling your name I keep on calling
hold down my name
I pray, I pray....Yes, I'm praying
Jesus, hear my, hear my call...

Jesus said most of these words to me when He called me to be His own, at the tender age of three and not a child of a church going family it could not have been imagination. I knew little about God, in my home it was a mere cuss word, now it is the sweetest name I know.

Today's thankful challenge: I am thankful Satan sees me as a threat. Why else would he and his demons be working so hard against me? Confirmation I am doing something right..my blog.

Jesus spent much of His time in prayer with His Father and tells His followers to do as He does. On trying days, I come home, crawl up into His lap and lay my head on
His chest. He smoothes my furrowed brow and kisses away my tears. Won't you let Him do this for you? Ask Him to come into your life and hand Him all your sins, hurts, fears, and frustration. He will carry that load for you. If you would like more info on how to do this email me at the address on the left.

Sweet Heavenly Father,

We praise Your name and lay our sins at Your feet. We ask that You carry our burdens on Your strong shoulders. We thank you for loving us so much that You sent Your son to die for us. Go with us through this day, guide our steps, gaurd our lips, minds, and hearts. In Your Son's name, Amen.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

If a hymn can be a theme song this is mine: "In the Garden"
Here are the words:

I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.


I’d stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.


So powerful and so true.

Words & Music: C. Aus?tin Miles, March 1912 (MI?DI, score):

I read…the story of the greatest morn in history: “The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, while it was yet very dark, unto the sepulcher.” Instantly, completely, there unfolded in my mind the scenes of the garden of Joseph….Out of the mists of the garden comes a form, halting, hesitating, tearful, seeking, turning from side to side in bewildering amazement. Falteringly, bearing grief in every accent, with tear-dimmed eyes, she whispers, “If thou hast borne him hence”… “He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” Just one word from his lips, and forgotten the heartaches, the long dreary hours….all the past blotted out in the presence of the Living Present and the Eternal Future.

This week I have been listening to hymns while working and was amazed (not sure why) at how many refer to prayer and spending precious time with our Lord. Daily I listen for His voice and it still thrills me to this day when He calls me by name.

My beautiful friend Audrey is adding a place to add prayer requests. Once you see this addition feel free to ask for prayer and I will do so. God wants us to bring everything in prayer.

I am here to offer guidance and prayer to all who ask. God has placed this blog and mission on my heart and I will carry it out....with God's sweet help.

Dear Heavenly Father;

We come to you heavy hearted we lift up our cares and woes to You. We ask to hear Your sweet voice in our ears and ask that You help each of us to be obedient. Lord, move in our lives and touch us, bless us, and carry us when we can no longer walk. We give it all to You. In Your Son's Name, Amen.

Today's thankful challenge: I am thankful that God trusts me to be His Light in this fallen world. Won't you offer your life to Him? If have questions about this feel free to email me (on the left of this post).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November's Challenge

For the month of November, I am challenging everyone to find something each day for which you are thankful. There is a hymn called " Count Your Blessings" (not the song from "White Christmas"). Johnson Oatman wrote the hymn in hopes of inspiring people to keep a heart of gratitude. He was known to have said "It is impossible to be thankful and, at the same time, grumpy, cantankerous, critical, or ill-tempered".

Today I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to offer words of encouragement through this blog.

I offer some great reference books for use to enrich your bible study time:

History of Christianity by Zondervan
Handbook of Christian Beliefs Zondervan
MacArthur's Bible Handbook

Please, invest in a good concordance and a bible dictonary.

My prayer for you:

Dear Precious Prince,

I ask that You bless each person who reads this blog. I ask that You enrich their time spent with You as they study Your word. Please, soften their hearts and have them realize all they have to be thankful for. May each of us be light to a darkened world. May we each spread Your word and offer hope and encouragement to others.

In Your Son's Name,

A post I made earlier:

So very thankful for God's presence in all areas.... His gentle hand is always on my shoulder...holding me back when I run and should walk, nudging me forward when I hold back, and squeezing it when I need encouragement...

May you all feel His presence this strongly!
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