Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November's Challenge

For the month of November, I am challenging everyone to find something each day for which you are thankful. There is a hymn called " Count Your Blessings" (not the song from "White Christmas"). Johnson Oatman wrote the hymn in hopes of inspiring people to keep a heart of gratitude. He was known to have said "It is impossible to be thankful and, at the same time, grumpy, cantankerous, critical, or ill-tempered".

Today I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to offer words of encouragement through this blog.

I offer some great reference books for use to enrich your bible study time:

History of Christianity by Zondervan
Handbook of Christian Beliefs Zondervan
MacArthur's Bible Handbook

Please, invest in a good concordance and a bible dictonary.

My prayer for you:

Dear Precious Prince,

I ask that You bless each person who reads this blog. I ask that You enrich their time spent with You as they study Your word. Please, soften their hearts and have them realize all they have to be thankful for. May each of us be light to a darkened world. May we each spread Your word and offer hope and encouragement to others.

In Your Son's Name,

A post I made earlier:

So very thankful for God's presence in all areas.... His gentle hand is always on my shoulder...holding me back when I run and should walk, nudging me forward when I hold back, and squeezing it when I need encouragement...

May you all feel His presence this strongly!

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